Monday, January 24, 2011

Oh what a process this all is between insurance, referrals, opinions. I feel like i live on the phone. Not only are we dealing with neurosurgeons, MRI's Chiari, syringomyelia, platybasia. Emma has seen an ENT (she has seen a few ENT's in her lifetime.) Her ear tubes have been in for 6 years, they usually fall out after 2, hers didn't, so after her "big surgery" Posterior Fossa Decompression. She will have another small surgery to remove her tubes. Since her tubes have been in so long they take some cartilage from the back of her ears and add it to the ear drum so a permanent hole doesn't remain in her ear drum. On top of that, she needs to see an endocrinologist. She has seen a few Endocrinologists in her lifetime to monitor her growth, (she fell off the charts at 10 months) so anyway to make a long story short now that she is showing signs that she might be deficient in her growth hormone. ie. a child growing less than 5 cm a year is considered deficient, she is only growing 3.5. Yet our insurance is denying us a visit with an endocrinologist so we can receive further tests. I have appealed, been denied, appealed, and been denied again and tomorrow I get to have a phone hearing with a judge. Wish me luck.


  1. I just got caught up on I'm so glad you are doing this blog for all of us to know how she's doing. We loved spending time with you guys in October, and are praying for your family. You are all so strong. Keep it up. Love you!
